Friday, July 6, 2012

Leadership is the action of leading a group of people or an organization and state or position of being a leader.Some of the leadership i was involve in was.....

  • Taking leadership over my class doing important things.Such as if it was something that needed to be done i would be the person to do it.
  • My 4th of july was the best i hang out with some of my school friends we went to centennial park because of there fireworks then went to a bbq party then later on that night we also went to the fair its so great to hang with some of your old school friends.... My 4th of july couldnt get nobody.....

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Im i really havent did to much communtiy service but here are a few things thath i did....

  • I help out at the atrium.....The atrium is a old people home we help them out with making thing that has somthing to do with thanksgiving and chirstmas we too pictures  and made like picture frams and little banks.
  • When i was in school we sent thing off to new orleans to help the ones that had lost everything such as tooth brushes clothes that we didnt wont and other thing.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Got alot to do for my math4 class im writing a ture story about my life and the struggle i been through now im somebody that i thought i would never be....

Pic of me tryin to model lol.....

I mean i try i need a little help lol...
Just left literature got to read this book and give an one page eassy about what the book was about...I kind like this class.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Some short trems business plans that will help you in the long run are so, to sum it up, here is a five-step system for dealing with adversity and extreme challenges while running a business: Compartmentalize it. Isolate the issue from all the other challenges you are dealing with. Apply extreme focus on each compartment, but only for a short period of time. Move forward in incremental steps. [...] I learn from this site how to also springwise which is
your source for inspiration, featuring crowdspotted tips on innovative new business concepts popping up all over the world and how to browse through the archives, segmented by industry, date, and country, to see if there’s a trend you can capitalize on its so much you can learn from this site .I would rate it at an 8.

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Monday, June 25, 2012

This website was mainly talking about  the summer spring winter and the fall. I actually would put on some of the clothing that they have going on.....

Dolce & Gabbana

Dolce & Gabbana Men F/W 12

This website was about a wedding is the setting of the story of the campaign. Family, love, conviviality and celebration are at the centre of the inspiration, maybe even more than the clothes. These values, so close to Dolce&Gabbana, bounce off the page and contextualize the beautiful fashion in an environment known to all Italians.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The school i wanna go to is xavier university why because it had something to do with my name and plus i got family that go there so i think it would be best for me to keep that going in my family.I also wannna go to this school because i wanna take up communication studies.I also love the school colors

Monday, June 18, 2012

What diego has to say... was about how you have so many  diversity and having things to do in the city but at the same I don't want to be in an area with too much stuff going on.